So this week's change is all about noticing which hand and leg is dominant in certain situations and also trying to switch it up. Go over to the dark side! Try the other side for a change and see how you get on!
Try brushing your teeth with the opposite hand.
Notice which leg you use to go up the stairs and if you see a pattern, switch it up.
Do you always drink your tea/coffee with the same hand? Try using the other.
Which arm do you use to open doors? Is it always the same? Now switch it up.
When cooking do you always use the same hand to stir? Do you always stir in the same direction?
There are so many times during our normal, everyday life that we allow our bodies to slip in a routine so repetitive that we don't even notice. Why try and change this pattern? The reasons are vast, some of which I've listed below.
1 - The brain benefits: Using both hands helps to balance the use of both hemispheres in the brain. Your non dominant hand is linked to your non dominant hemisphere of your brain. So exercising using the non dominant hand will either release your creative side or your logical side. Not only this it will keep your brain guessing and developing growing brain cells and keeping your mind active and alert.
2 - It can access some repressed feelings, emotions and talents: If we are constantly using just one side of our body we are then only accessing one side of our brain.
3 - Develop self control: It will be frustrating and messy process to begin with especially if you use your non dominant hand to brush your teeth. Trust me! But maintaining the patience and control to take your time, don't give up and stick with it will help you apply these benefits throughout the rest of your day.
4 - Self awareness: By virtue of the fact that you are trying to use your non dominant hand for things it will automatically make you more self aware of all your patterns. The way you move your body, your posture, your stance and how you move in general. Being aware of how your body moves is one of the first steps in fixing patterns and habits that lead to repetitive strain injuries and aches and pains.
Lists of things you can try with your non dominant hand/leg:
Brushing your teeth
Pouring drinks - Careful now!
Washing your body
Texting or scrolling through your phone
Using your computer mouse - switch it to the other side
Stepping up the stairs or Getting on the bus
Carrying your handbag, rucksack, shopping bags, baby's car seat etc
Spreading butter/nut butter/jam etc
Stir your cup of tea/coffee
So there you have it Jeanies. Challenge yourself this week. Become self aware, practice patience and self control, release your creative side and repressed emotions. Have a ball!
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