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Sunday 15 March 2015

Tuesday's Change Week 11 - She Squats Bro

So this week's challenge is an exercise based one. You can add this into your 20 minutes of exercise 5 times a week.  Yes, you guessed it, it's the squat.

The squat is my favourite, all time exercise. It is probably the most fundamental movement besides walking that we humans do. We have been squatting since time began and if you can comfortably never need a chair! It's inspiring to see 90 year old men in Asia squat at the side of the road, pain free. Most Western adults can't squat for more then 10 seconds! So let's change that.

Why squat?

It works the feet, ankles, calves, thighs, hips, bum, stomach, back and arms (when done with weights). It gives you that toned derrière that we all desire and makes you overall strong and able. It increases the muscle strength while developing mobility and flexibility. It also makes you look HOTT! win win.

It's not just for the ladies, men can do it too and it's especially good for men who want to develop strength in the lower body for sports such as rugby, soccer and anything involving sprinting.

How to squat?

Check out these two instructional videos. There are two schools of thought on squats. Some say thighs parallel to the floor, others say 'ass to grass' and get as low as possible to work the entire range of movement. I'm in the ass to grass camp but a believer in building up to that mobility and range slowly.

Check them out here:

Good option for beginners -

If you really want a challenge and develop mobility-

Optional - add weights hugging to the chest or doing a press overhead to really enhance the challenge.

How many should you do?

 As this is a weekly challenge of Tuesday's Change here is a 7 day schedule. If you are a beginner then just do the normal squat, number indicated on each day. If you are comfortable with the movements then try the other ones as well.

If you want to continue the challenge for the month then try this:

Trust me you will not get bulky bums from this, you will burn fat and get toned while giving your bum a lift. What's not to like?

Any questions just let me know!

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